more old poems


sometimes I
wish I could
record all of me
and put it
through a prism-
what a relief
to see my fears
distinct from my sucesses!


coiled in front
the sea
written and tasted
other services down
"Prim and Proper"
doesn't slip out
easily when faced with it.
An attempt: straigtening out the kinks
in salt: water or blood
An answer: DNA was never intended
for display in rows
on shelves numbered


Thinking between El Paso and Austin

tape hiss on a scratchy record
my wheels and the pace
modulates as pedal tones overlapping
irregular sine patterns trace my feet
clicks and breath are polyrhythmic
against movement and thought
as the view moves out and past
the sound slowly touches every
moment and place- a sun rising
in my head- I make it rise
or rather I rotate toward
something that is always everywhere


Something I thought about when thinking about Jim Altieri

-6th iris windsong-

swelling like a spider bite
is analogous in map view
to the diagram of focus-
a point surrounded by a ring-
one ring that encircles your concious
the other rings that connect
like the olympics or a puzzle.
The hub being the point of that
particular matter- take my bike
for instance-
the hub is loose and under strain fails
so multiple axes must be considered and
an axonometric developed.
to be sure


some new

voice of spring song-

Trellis, a light hold on leaves
the motivations
of someones growth-
you are engaged in
quietness in darkness
a mystery context of vinery
whistling sadness and a
cool bottle of rosé
dust taste in relation to it
the light of the sun in my
eye lashes/brows is making
rainbow crystal events in my
peripheral vision.

grass and paint mixing freely
you provided something inappropriate
with the best of intentions
a short walk might
jog your memory-
of course we can't all
procede without some acknowledgement


-a collaboration with shane

Portland Flower Liberation Front.
A Manifesto of sorts.
1-Flowers exist in a state of slavery created by a capitalist, colonialist attitude toward the collection and propogation of decorative flowering plants.
2-As members of the PFLF we consider it our message and duty to reverse the effects of said slavery thorugh the spreading of the seed and pollen of enslaved flowering plants to all parts of the world between the offending house and our own home.
3-The ends to all means will be justified by the spreading of beauty and the increased output of every flower bush that its pruning encourages.
4-The PFLF also encourages the practice of sustainable redistribution of beauty.
5-People really just need to chill because "stealing" is a pretty serious word that could be all too easily replaced with "pruning" and a bill for services rendered.
6-Sharing is good.
7-Noted also is the need for bringing the outside, inside, with the goal of maintaining a balanced Feng Shui.
8-Flowers represent sexual exuberance and as such their freedom coincides with the throwing off of the yoke of puritanical sexual repression that is one of the fundamental tenets of the colonial mentality.
9-Flowers represent a food source whose production and disemination is a inherent human and animal right and whose shackling is one more representation of our sociological and mental slavery to "The Man".
10-Flowers give unstintingly of themselves to all who humbly seek their company and as such are role models for the human race.
11-The PFLF seeks to encourage inter-speicies understanding through the facilitation of flower ambasadorship to every inside and outside space in the universe.
12-Consider the lillies of the valley who neither toil nor slave
13-To pick a flower is to remind ourselves of the ephemeral nature of our own existance, for when we are born are we not picked like a flower and shared. We have our time of blossoming.
14-"To see a world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower, to hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour."-William Blake
15-"Observe the lilies, how they grow. They neither labour nor spin. And yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendour was as beautifully dressed as one of these."-Jesus Christ Luke 12:27
16-Freeing actions are less likely to be misunderstood if they go undetected. In this spirit the PFLF relegates the majority of its activities to the darkness of the night. Doing this under the rich humus of nighttime is not dissimilar to the natural freeing impulses of flowers' own growth cycle which takes place in the darkness of the soil.
17-The PFLF is commited to the creation and sustaining of Ephemeral Autonomous Zones (EAZ) or flowers in vases in every household in the universe.
18- Flower power, though delicate, has forever been a symbol of the peaceful impulses of freedom.


Pointalist murals but only up close.

Meaning you are wasting your time. That is what she said. I guess for clarity's sake I should have put that in quotes. Whistling is an underrated form of expression...a miniscule number of hits feature compared to singing. Whistle when you are at the wall up close looking at the points. Its reflections will take on geometric fancies in the sonic spectrum. Watch out! "Here t'is!!!!"


master edition: villains and premature babies

killing time is alot of what I do. thinking as fast as I can trying to figger it all out without doing anything, at least not about it. There is a 5 Stairsteps song about it I think. I know that every other porn movie is a classic indulgence in the expansion of inocuous moments (in the service of porn obviously)I do it in the service of space (like "Drums/Space" or "Space is the Place" or "Dreamweaver" maybe too) Titulary (as pertains to titus) responsibilities aside, lifting sanctions as we go, i am ready to take off. sequences are in alphabetical order FYI


The quadidly, um fandango wishful thankful
You and it are opposite the functional personification of I
Shaking like the Shakers…I wanted to be a Catholic priest
And she wanted to be a Shaker.
And I wanted her but not until I gave up my other want.
What is the meaning of world heritage?
There is always someone who wants or is
Asked to be the representative of the moment.
Momentously we are a realization of Rumiesque
Dance drownings in destinations undesired.
Reality is all too often in conflict with
Our shelter or
Our healing/magic or
Our money or
Our senses
Traditionality is what?
I feel like a dune is an amorphous manifestation
Of the I that creates direction….or stultification.
-I used to be a regular until my big accident.
-I was drove up the wrong side of the highway
And in his defense it was rainy and foggy and he could not see up the road.
Worst thing he has ever done.

Tempting as it may seem to glue oneself's eyes
There is less to see than be.
Seeing is being according to the quantum minded
Which brings up the usual quagmire muddle
Of possession by the science myth.
What have you if not a sheltered/blindered view through
Whistled leaves or more accurately, litigious scenes
You take for something big and grey and
Could it be anything to do with trees and their increased
Visibility singularly rather than taken as a group?
"My eyes hurt when I spend a lot of time in front of the computer."
uuuuummmmm carrots!

The mania that is so easy to slip into and fish-hook-like
In its insistence. What about it? Is there some problem?
Unfortunately frequency equals pie art squares and my left hand
Is only capable of hammering out oom-pah bass lines at this juncture..
Circa 1934 Fats Waller 331/3 at 78 panting panting panting jesus get me a paper bag.

Nickels in pairs walking, fighting, shaking the dew off their collective daisies.
Do you get it? Personification of money, money that I do not have…you know the
Next line is going to reference the rubbing of two pennies and maybe
Make a joke about raising little pennies…its all so hopeless.
Even my poems are piss poor.

When I am angry it provokes that in others, they sing about the opposite
"When Irish eyes are smiling.." etc
but they don’t discuss the extreme


melanin, melonoma, melatonin, melmac (sp?)

crazily I am ,,, it rather veers very assiduously frenetic or era(o)tic tac
scat a logical conclusion skipping and wassailing misty in your avarice. Because it is that...just that. avarice: born of objectification ---> you me light heat afternoon flutterbybutterfly easily caught and catalogued/ mistaken for others/ willed into frames of chunky chicken product endorsement suddenly upon are hungry allunnasuddin? HAVE YOU EVER HEARD THAT ALBUM WITH JIM HALL? There are cultural norms about fingernail cleanliness. A fried friend versus a botched shed?
continually I present arms and am found guilty of shooting something, nothing is clean anymore lets not fool ourselves. I slipped up the other day and the kneeledge I once had, well reminds me of that Dylan line.

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