"is this as good as it gets?"
what ever arises is the enlightened mind!!!
jeez..that is alot of responsibility nuh?
kinda reminds me of this time I was in school
and I used to pretend I was a fighter jet
(I wanted to be a pilot in the air force for many years)
and I used to use rubber bands to shoot at stuff...
and this girl I totally had (and probably still have) a crush on
named um.....maybe Alisha? I can't remember, anyway,
I shot some rubber bands at her...
hit her in the face. Nice huh?
she flipped out...and I ran like hell.
of course my councillor stopped me
and she caught up with me and totally attacked me!
Scratched my back and hit me several times before
they could pull her off...all the while (Stan) the councillor
was holding me. Obviously to keep me out of trouble.
What was the point of this story...I guess there are too
many to really get to anything in particular.
Oh yes what is the enlightened mind?
What is it?

Stan died a couple of months ago.
I am getting a land line.
No more texting.
2 micro-cassettes taking messages.
A big phone with a real bell.
A typewriter.
A record player.
I am fairly sure I will be happy pretty soon.
as i pay attention to convolutions
as a result the focus shifts
nauseating focus permutations
allegorical development mechanisms
thoughts can be tiles or grout
not as easy to clean
clinging to semi-presence
or aloof maybe
use the smile functionally
we are all facilitators
love is a hand
"The original form of all dwelling is existence not in the house but in the shell. The shell bears the impression of its occupant. In the most extreme instance, the dwelling becomes a shell. The nineteenth century, like no other century, was addicted to dwelling. It conceived the residence as a receptacle for the person, and encased him with all his appurtenances so deeply in the dwelling's interior that one might be reminded of the inside of a compass case where the instrument with all its accessories lies embedded in deep, usually violet folds of velvet."
----From the 5th entry on page 22o of The Arcades Project by Walter Benjamin
When I watch the wind in a tree I can feel myself thinking.
It is metaphorically a song and a novel,
it is a life directed at completeness,
it is without lack, it lacks it!!
The idea of fields mesmerizes me when I look.
A bush, a lawn, a big tree, anything that moves,
moves together and individually.
Trees in particular are made of so many tensions
that there are no linearities to its movement;
circles and waves overlapping each other.
Each leaf fluttering itself then
circling with its immediate branch and
bigger circles by the main branch
and the trunk of the tree finally moving the whole system.
It is a music system, a dance piece, a life process
played by the breath of the world.

"The dew on the lotus leaf
undyed by its color,
just as it is
is the real form of the Buddha."

"The only remedy for love
is more love."
What tells me I can do this or that?
We talk of "self" confidence, is there "selfless" confidence?
Maybe that is the inherent property of "selfless",
that confidence of self, or maybe vice versa.
The whereness of my ability to do without doubt
is lost to me right now.
I CAN ride a bike without falling over
but I CANNOT just be without stumbling.
Watching the endless flow of people in this coffee shop,
the faces, the life stories, the isness.
What are they, and what do they know about it?
One person looks at me. What do they see?
What do I see when I look at them?
What could every point of light reflect if bent or colored slightly differently?
Is it so far off to live in a different universe?


Open lines without convergence
slowly hemming in every concience
welts emerge in geometric patterns
the fashions of illness begin equating themselves
hair falls out leaving manuscripts
entrails read futures
a heart is eaten
palms speak
every little part cools itself
as life dwindles
each losing thirst
we have all overstayed our welcome
enough is enough

"Invited by our parents
we came here
as temporary guests
and without remaining mind
we go back to our native place."
Huge drifts of snow are waded through and
shoveled and these are my thoughts.
If I let them melt, the sun might shine
the trees would bloom and
I could walk freely meeting friends.
Now I sweat, instead, engaging them,
moving and handling.
Its why virgin snow is calming and scary.
Its why a warm sea is inviting and full of sharks.
Its why the air is fragrant and toxic.
Relaxing into reality is impossible.
Why try it otherwise?
Every moment holds the potential of ruining the song.
It will sing itself, of course, if you let it.
"If it rain, let it rain;
if it rain not, let it not rain;
but even should it not rain,
you must travel
with wet sleeves." -- Ikkyu

"What my body does, accords not
with what my mouth utters,
and my heart is full of shame." --Ikkyu

"If you do not move,
you will be moved." --Diamond Sutra

"I am this world and
I eat this world.
Who knows this, knows." --Upanishads
more old poems


sometimes I
wish I could
record all of me
and put it
through a prism-
what a relief
to see my fears
distinct from my sucesses!


coiled in front
the sea
written and tasted
other services down
"Prim and Proper"
doesn't slip out
easily when faced with it.
An attempt: straigtening out the kinks
in salt: water or blood
An answer: DNA was never intended
for display in rows
on shelves numbered


Thinking between El Paso and Austin

tape hiss on a scratchy record
my wheels and the pace
modulates as pedal tones overlapping
irregular sine patterns trace my feet
clicks and breath are polyrhythmic
against movement and thought
as the view moves out and past
the sound slowly touches every
moment and place- a sun rising
in my head- I make it rise
or rather I rotate toward
something that is always everywhere


Something I thought about when thinking about Jim Altieri

-6th iris windsong-

swelling like a spider bite
is analogous in map view
to the diagram of focus-
a point surrounded by a ring-
one ring that encircles your concious
the other rings that connect
like the olympics or a puzzle.
The hub being the point of that
particular matter- take my bike
for instance-
the hub is loose and under strain fails
so multiple axes must be considered and
an axonometric developed.
to be sure


some new

voice of spring song-

Trellis, a light hold on leaves
the motivations
of someones growth-
you are engaged in
quietness in darkness
a mystery context of vinery
whistling sadness and a
cool bottle of rosé
dust taste in relation to it
the light of the sun in my
eye lashes/brows is making
rainbow crystal events in my
peripheral vision.

grass and paint mixing freely
you provided something inappropriate
with the best of intentions
a short walk might
jog your memory-
of course we can't all
procede without some acknowledgement


-a collaboration with shane

Portland Flower Liberation Front.
A Manifesto of sorts.
1-Flowers exist in a state of slavery created by a capitalist, colonialist attitude toward the collection and propogation of decorative flowering plants.
2-As members of the PFLF we consider it our message and duty to reverse the effects of said slavery thorugh the spreading of the seed and pollen of enslaved flowering plants to all parts of the world between the offending house and our own home.
3-The ends to all means will be justified by the spreading of beauty and the increased output of every flower bush that its pruning encourages.
4-The PFLF also encourages the practice of sustainable redistribution of beauty.
5-People really just need to chill because "stealing" is a pretty serious word that could be all too easily replaced with "pruning" and a bill for services rendered.
6-Sharing is good.
7-Noted also is the need for bringing the outside, inside, with the goal of maintaining a balanced Feng Shui.
8-Flowers represent sexual exuberance and as such their freedom coincides with the throwing off of the yoke of puritanical sexual repression that is one of the fundamental tenets of the colonial mentality.
9-Flowers represent a food source whose production and disemination is a inherent human and animal right and whose shackling is one more representation of our sociological and mental slavery to "The Man".
10-Flowers give unstintingly of themselves to all who humbly seek their company and as such are role models for the human race.
11-The PFLF seeks to encourage inter-speicies understanding through the facilitation of flower ambasadorship to every inside and outside space in the universe.
12-Consider the lillies of the valley who neither toil nor slave
13-To pick a flower is to remind ourselves of the ephemeral nature of our own existance, for when we are born are we not picked like a flower and shared. We have our time of blossoming.
14-"To see a world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower, to hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour."-William Blake
15-"Observe the lilies, how they grow. They neither labour nor spin. And yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendour was as beautifully dressed as one of these."-Jesus Christ Luke 12:27
16-Freeing actions are less likely to be misunderstood if they go undetected. In this spirit the PFLF relegates the majority of its activities to the darkness of the night. Doing this under the rich humus of nighttime is not dissimilar to the natural freeing impulses of flowers' own growth cycle which takes place in the darkness of the soil.
17-The PFLF is commited to the creation and sustaining of Ephemeral Autonomous Zones (EAZ) or flowers in vases in every household in the universe.
18- Flower power, though delicate, has forever been a symbol of the peaceful impulses of freedom.


Pointalist murals but only up close.

Meaning you are wasting your time. That is what she said. I guess for clarity's sake I should have put that in quotes. Whistling is an underrated form of expression...a miniscule number of hits feature whistling...as compared to singing. Whistle when you are at the wall up close looking at the points. Its reflections will take on geometric fancies in the sonic spectrum. Watch out! "Here t'is!!!!"


master edition: villains and premature babies

killing time is alot of what I do. thinking as fast as I can trying to figger it all out without doing anything, at least not about it. There is a 5 Stairsteps song about it I think. I know that every other porn movie is a classic indulgence in the expansion of inocuous moments (in the service of porn obviously)I do it in the service of space (like "Drums/Space" or "Space is the Place" or "Dreamweaver" maybe too) Titulary (as pertains to titus) responsibilities aside, lifting sanctions as we go, i am ready to take off. sequences are in alphabetical order FYI


The quadidly, um fandango wishful thankful
You and it are opposite the functional personification of I
Shaking like the Shakers…I wanted to be a Catholic priest
And she wanted to be a Shaker.
And I wanted her but not until I gave up my other want.
What is the meaning of world heritage?
There is always someone who wants or is
Asked to be the representative of the moment.
Momentously we are a realization of Rumiesque
Dance drownings in destinations undesired.
Reality is all too often in conflict with
Our shelter or
Our healing/magic or
Our money or
Our senses
Traditionality is what?
I feel like a dune is an amorphous manifestation
Of the I that creates direction….or stultification.
-I used to be a regular until my big accident.
-I was drove up the wrong side of the highway
And in his defense it was rainy and foggy and he could not see up the road.
Worst thing he has ever done.

Tempting as it may seem to glue oneself's eyes
There is less to see than be.
Seeing is being according to the quantum minded
Which brings up the usual quagmire muddle
Of possession by the science myth.
What have you if not a sheltered/blindered view through
Whistled leaves or more accurately, litigious scenes
You take for something big and grey and
Could it be anything to do with trees and their increased
Visibility singularly rather than taken as a group?
"My eyes hurt when I spend a lot of time in front of the computer."
uuuuummmmm carrots!

The mania that is so easy to slip into and fish-hook-like
In its insistence. What about it? Is there some problem?
Unfortunately frequency equals pie art squares and my left hand
Is only capable of hammering out oom-pah bass lines at this juncture..
Circa 1934 Fats Waller 331/3 at 78 panting panting panting jesus get me a paper bag.

Nickels in pairs walking, fighting, shaking the dew off their collective daisies.
Do you get it? Personification of money, money that I do not have…you know the
Next line is going to reference the rubbing of two pennies and maybe
Make a joke about raising little pennies…its all so hopeless.
Even my poems are piss poor.

When I am angry it provokes that in others, they sing about the opposite
"When Irish eyes are smiling.." etc
but they don’t discuss the extreme


melanin, melonoma, melatonin, melmac (sp?)

crazily I am ,,, it rather veers very assiduously frenetic or era(o)tic tac
scat a logical conclusion skipping and wassailing misty in your avarice. Because it is that...just that. avarice: born of objectification ---> you me light heat afternoon flutterbybutterfly easily caught and catalogued/ mistaken for others/ willed into frames of chunky chicken product endorsement suddenly upon us..you are hungry allunnasuddin? HAVE YOU EVER HEARD THAT ALBUM WITH JIM HALL? There are cultural norms about fingernail cleanliness. A fried friend versus a botched shed?
continually I present arms and am found guilty of shooting something, nothing is clean anymore lets not fool ourselves. I slipped up the other day and the kneeledge I once had, well reminds me of that Dylan line.
some old poems from a different blog:
:yes and

form for formal

texture of meta-surface

my coin-operated satisfaction

killing time after a grueling hunt

staying awake long enough to know better

I keep crying at the wrong parts of my life

I always think I want to thank but so rarely do it

In my name are letters used in thoughts I'm ashamed of

Meta meta meaning meaning post post na na natural like life

Cough up the third lung.

so here is another one...an ion
a prism made of fluid
a quail quailing
a quill quaking
in its boots.
If quail quills had boots.
Staid or stayed?
Staid or Plaid or Played?
a totally revolutionare
creamed potato and leek soup (a winter dish mainly)
Corporate sponsorship of all of the above.....in the first trimester
and grants on out.
Poised and ready..but bored in the meantime.
Your knuckles stop growing cells after 30
that is why so many people stop dragging them in later life
not read into that, it just sounded good


oh I forgot

"When people see some things as beautiful other things become ugly"
I just wanted to repeat that quote because today I am in love with everyone
and Joy is as mysteriously false as Fear
I can't help it
sometimes I feel like I want to hug more than just
and cry too
I think that I am at 20x
in the Marvin Gaye Piece of Clay listening marathon
excuse me while I puke

On a Brighter Note
"When people see some things as beautiful other things become ugly"
Oh yes by the way
I am gonna give St Francis a knuckle sandwich next time around
and buy you a pony
and a mocking bird
and a diamond ring
and a little Nemo
Preppies beware
Super-blue-green greasers are in ezzifezzect
and mommas gonna buy you


shifty and weighty and wild and please later tt tt tt
toi et moi
cinquant dollars a fine wedding forty centavos
you billowing and me winnowing
softer vs sharper
queen of all the Latifahs
skilled with simple trade
a mark
a trade mark
mark is the name of my roomate
What do you want?
a medal or a medallion?
a meddle or a metal-lion?
crap my knee will never get better unless I start accupuncture and stop coffee
I will be on the radio soon
I will be very powerful by my own standards soon
I will be happy enough to crap
soon enough
its gonna be ok
chin up
chest out (by the way can you touch your elbows behind your back?)
pointedly stated.
you are too much

I want to love you for who you are
not what you say or do


timothy and killer whales
tripped and lifted a skirt or two
with consent
taped a concert at the gorge
whistled dixie
wondering what time it was
we left a message of chicken talk
for Mr Mayor
never lifting a finger
to help the needy
they are the tax broken
and sponsored links for
frozen daquiris, margheritas and side cars
they are the peopled islands
and wedding registries of
time shares and road kill
wait and your temperature will drop
while the worlds rises
fructify is a word I just learned the etimology of
but I will not use it in any creative endeavor
because it sounds yucky



no yes no yes no yes no yes
do you ever feel conflicted?
no yes no yes no yes
have you ever been in transition?
no yes no yes no yes no yes
When I was a kid my mother got a phone call from my school teacher (we were living in Japan by the way--that is a totally vital part of this story) and my teacher sez--->"Your son said a very bad word to me and keeps saying it over and over! I had to call you and address this very serious issue." My mother (thinking...oh shit JP is teaching the Japanese 5 year-olds how to say motherfucker or cocksucker whatever) sez--->"Well what did he say?" teacher--->"He said 'No!'" curious in Japan apparently "No" is not said especially by a younger person to an older person in the 1970s in Fukuoka. My mother did not have the heart to tell her it was my first word. And will probably be my last.


sunny again!!

pink shirt with airbrused cat and puffy "monterey" printed on
glasses with out glasses in them
white shoes
black socks
on the sidewalk
icecream sandwich for lunch and egg sandwich for dessert
my cat scratches in a fever like a pepper sprout
dancers (lots of them)
a phone number with only 6 digits (10 trys!)
a mixed cd for a girl named Christmas
the sound of purple
breathing in
breathing out
posing in front of a dirty mirror
forgetting to brush the only teeth I have
a Cage score made of circles and dotted lines on plastic sheets
a stack of new art
a photo of Dana that looks just like the painting that looks just like May
an ever larger glass of water
style points for everything


take that mr positive!

the confessional never ends..there is a reason Catholicism is "better" than the various degrees of protestantism if only for the fact that who wants to worship is protest all the time? but mainly because of confesssion...but Protestants have blogs! And anyway we are all mentally ill so thanks to Freud we can have professional confessors so who needs the clergy.
I need help and I wish it had anything to do with this post.
1:11am...I have to get up and go to French class... "have to"....."class"
So now Chris does not want to talk to me...I am nixed from the latest "cool show"
6 people have not returned my calls
5 not returned emails
lots of maybe laters
stubbing toes
shitty tips
annoyed roommate
at least I am still trying
and I just discovered some totally rad shit on the guitar that if I ever am asked to play a show again will blow peoples mind
or actually in Portland people will say "Oh yeah I was doing shit like that back when I decided to give up guitar"
I wish i made that quote up...
I wish I made this one up too
"When people see some things as beautiful other things become ugly"
take that mr positive!


please give me a fucking break

this pillow biting and friend crapping on and poison thinking and functionlessness and presuppositions and preambles to nothing and same curry for every shift meal I work and running out of toilet paper twice a week and not talking and talking and gathering ideas and not thinking at all and smiling for effect and walking with head bowed down and typing slowly with lots of mistakes and killing time and killing anything at all and sleeping poorly and hating and hating specific things and drinking too much caffeine and working at a job that is frankly silly and staying up past my bed time and avoiding yoga class and playing music with an audience in mind and thinking about the thousands that will gather at my funeral and taking books out of the library without reading them and telling people you will call but not and calling people who will not and stopping or starting the exact wrong thing and having dreams with subtitles you cannot read and leaving sinks full of dishes and having lame parties and having great sex with the wrong person and waking up feeling guilty for no reason and being hungover from tea and staring at yet another 20 year olds ass and making of stupid lists



so so suck my toe all the way to mexico
while you're their cut your hair
don't forget your underwear

in the immortal words of Joe Foster:
"Theres a NEW Mexico?!!"


Some Questionable "Compositions" or Knock Knock Jokes


-from the bathroom wall of 3 Friends Coffee Shop on 12th Ave in Portland OR
So the wind is blowing in your face.
If it was your friend you might be insulted.
Get insulted!
Now blow back.
Make as many insulted blowing back sounds as you can think of
in a row or just one really good one.
Take out a handkerchief and wipe off your mouth.
You are done.
Blowing against the wind is a total waste of time.
Can you make some thing rattle without touching it?
How quietly before it stops?
Is it bigger than a breadbox?
Can you throw it over your shoulder like a continental soldier?
Will it rattle more if you touch it?
Go ahead and touch it.
How does it feel?
Does that matter?
Think of a string vibrating.
How long is it?
Make it longer by the x power.
Now put your ear as close as you can to the 1/2 way point,
the 1/3 way point, the 1/5 way point etc
until you are ready to make it longer.
Listen for any of the notes in Gymnopedies that might be in the string.
Conceptualize and play a perfectly balanced sound event
made up of multiple timbres and tones
lasting no longer than 2 or 3 seconds.
Allow it some space to breathe.
Compose another one and play it.
Do not allow any of them to bleed into one another.
It will ruin the effect.
Think about who you want to talk to.
Is it serious or a knock knock joke?
Do they speak the same language as you?
Does their dislike of your playing affect your conversation?
Are they even alive?
Are you ?
Hearing something
Hearing something that goes with that
Then hearing the individual pieces of those things-
Now listen for where you are inside them.
Now listen to where I am inside them.
What is not being said?
Lets hope it is not because we are afraid to say it.
Make a drone but think of it in short segments
like a 1/60 of a second photograph
projected by memory back and
no decay, never any decay.
Falling off your bike but relaxing into it.
Calmly not cumming.
The feeling just preceding a diabetic coma.

Alice Coltrane a work in progress

First off I can't speak about things in a particularly definitive way because I don't know that much about "real" details. I can only discuss reality in the sense that maybe Bob Marley uses the term ie meta-reality or the reality of trancendance...Zion is the reality, Babylon is the fantasy...seen? Anyhoo Transcendence is a great album by Mrs Coltrane and maybe that is a good starting point. A strange album to be sure but maybe a representative one if I think about it. Several veins of her thought permeate it. Piano, choir, string writing, organ jams etc. Maybe not the best examples of any one of those. Actually, as I think about it the details are irrelevant. Alice Coltrane represents something specific to me and maybe that is really what I want to talk about. The phrase that I keep quoting is the name of an album by a fellow avant jazz piano player: "Evidence of things unseen" (by Don Pullen by the way). In a nutshell, thats what her music does for me. Often she inspires a sense of loss of self. I have the experience sometimes that an idea that happens in music opens a door to a room that is an idea and that may open another door etc...with A.C. the doors keep opening so fast that there is no way to keep up and the resulting sense of ego loss is like a physical experience. The music is generally modal or at least has a very strong sense of a central key area. Not surprising since she is heavily influenced by Indian Classical music. I think that is a large part of her appeal. She uses relatively simple materials in a very sophisticated way. There is always a sense of ground so even the most abstract flights feel like they are comfortable. It's why I often use it as an introduction to "free" music for the uninitiated (and all to often why it is where their exploration ends). As a side note, is there a better makeout album than Journey In Satchinanda? Sounds kinda callous in the light of the subject matter but I can tell you from personal experience, you might as well call her LL Alice C because the Ladies Love it!! Where was I? Oh yes ego loss. The textures are part of that. It is hard to hear the individual parts often because she uses very dense string arrangements which smear around like wind or smoke leaving key distinctions by the wayside. I always feel a little confused but comfortable with it which is sort of a metaphor for an ideal life. One thing this approach gives her music is a feeling of New Agey spiritualism that I am sure is offputting to some. I embrace it. The New Irony of the 90s is an unfortunate byproduct of a time when every thing seemed like it was done and any serious consideration of anything at all could be sneered at as been there done that. Alice Coltrane is unafraid of being branded hokey. It takes courage and determination to create something that uses sounds and ideas generally relegated to the Windam Hill cutout bin and breath a life and an honesty into it. I mean her "gospel" choirs singing Hare Krishna are some of the cheesiest music I have ever heard but it is the absolute sincerity that comes through that makes them some of my favorite of her work. Furthermore who ever heard of avant-guard harp before her? I can't even express the joy it gives me even as I write about it. The sort of new rationalist european improv that emerged in the sixties seems almost pedantic and ill tempered in comparison. It genuinely takes a huge talent to create in the face of the evil shit America puts on us all and to do something that not just evokes love but seems to generate it is fucking genius. I cannot think of a single musician aside from her late husband who had the kind of directedness about their work and it never seemed like a musical exercise like the music theory junkies of the Boulez school or the sweating brow phenomena of the New York Free Jazz folks or the post post of people like Keith Rowe or Otomo Yoshide. Not to say there is a hierarchy but it seems easier to sound avant when you are using serialism or extended technique and she rarely goes for anything other than a very personal neo-classical approach. I mean her take on the Rite of Spring on her album Trancendance is surreal. I know she studied with Stravinsky and in truth I can see the similarities but the differences are what keep me saying what!?!? Mostly I am enamored with her organ playing. Eschewing the usual Jimmy Smith Hammond "Organ Trio" schtick she manages to sound like a manic late era John Coltrane on the trio tracks I have heard and uses an incredible cutting tone that is anything but smooth. It makes me wonder why so many people favor the silly mush mouthed "chicken shack" sound that Jimmy Smith popularized. But maybe that last word is the answer popularity. "If it works for someone else why not me?" right? I think one of the great things about her is that in spite of all the inherent schlock in her methodologies the intent never seems to be increased sales. She seems happy to explore this surreal place in music and music history that is seemingly anathema to any kind of serious appreciation yet succeeds at having depth and sophistication. A corollary might be Duke Ellingtons use of trumpet growls (East St Louis Toodle-O) or Bill Dixons use of static echo effects. The covers to her albums just reinforce that. Especially World Galaxy and Universal Conciousness...??? Why Peter Max? I think my favorite thing about her is how much I keep listening to her all the while asking myself and her "Why"?". Now I ask myself why did she make the choices she did on her latest album, "Translinear Light". I suppose it is not that odd that after 23 years out of the limelight and with her last album being 1980s "Transfiguration" which is one of the most "burning" free-jazz albums out there, she comes back with a sort of retrospective of the various strains of her career. I think that if suffers from over production and her sons are frankly only competant saxophone players. She is, as always, an interesting player but the Ravi Coltrane production credit might point to a source for the failings of the album. My own take is that about 1/2 the album is great and the other is okay. I love Alice Coltrane so I cannot vouch for anyone elses reaction.

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this is my last post thru this:
I love language.
which reminds me...read the task of the translator by walter benjamin
if only he had babelfish...I would love to read that essay!!!
I stayed up too late...I ate bacon and portugese raw milk cheese...mmmm
I also applied to PRA for a show (again) I used to have one when they were a pirate station, now they are just streaming...but so am I...
I interviewed at a job today...I will interview at another on saturday...
I liked today...I am all about I apparently...but people tell me that alot...
heres one...

Every water tank I mistook, I also lead too many people to.
My fingertips feel less as I play more which is the cost
of my heart feeling more.
Everything we love we lose only to be replaced by another opportunity
to be heartbroken until we reach the ideal: a heart of sand.
If I spend my life on moving sand, why not be it,
why not complete myself as water or other endless morphing cliches?
Syling myself as some kind of flower in a bonnet or
a ray of sunlight through a water drop on leaves,
as if I am not the dirt they grow in or less/more.
My shoes are loose but I can hardly tell,
my cap is too tight but its the one that fits
and they will know me by it.
"What arises is the enlightened mind" - Pema Chodron
When people talk to me they are true,
when I talk to them, I am talking, thats true.
Identity aside...and lets keep it that way.
My death grip on my isness is making me so sad I cant swallow.
Favorite quote of the week is from the old testament....
"Dye your mind not your garment."

and here is something I wrote:

Its like wearing brass knuckles to yoga class.
Its like headbutting yourself.
Its like an endless cosmic priapism,
a grip that loosens on our passing and leaves us tight.
Properties listed about us,
figures made into real people,
tables replace water,
the inside of the box coats the surface of our planet.
Planned coincidences and charted maps of feelings.
As the coil tightens I remove layers of ability
only to find my well without a bottom, why should I fill it?
Consequence is as illusory as being,
Creative movement is always being asked
but where can creativity really rest on this
uneasy landscape I flex and stretch.
Suppose I lived alone
Suppose the world was me
What does supper pose as?
Reality is concrete and fleeting
like what comes out of the truck before it hardens.