As a first step in a definite catalog of my work to date. I consider this a precuser to Jenkinsonia a book I intend to publish when Ive done enough for it to be really thick!

JaJa Quartet 1998-2001 on and off. I included some reviews for my edification.

"This track starts off a little slow, but give these guys a chance, because once they get warmed up, some pretty sick stuff happens, with squealing, honking brass jousting with sharp stabs of electric guitar." - Dave Reitzes August 1999

"A free-jazz conference which implies swing but never brings it out of the closet. The bass likes to rumble in the low frequencies while the sax and trumpet trade fractured lines; the guitar contributes strange chords and piercing stabs." Noah E.

Mandate 1998

more to come.....

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